About Us

Since its establishment in Mozambique in the last century, the United Methodist Church in Mozambique (IMUM) has had evangelization as the epicenter of its action in the communities in which it has been established. In its broadest sense, evangelization has always been understood as a process of social transformation through which men and women appropriated fundamental human values of ethics and morals, rooted in the religious principles that our Church proclaims and defends.

Consequently, since then, The United Methodist Church in Mozambique understood that the intended social transformation would not be possible without the inclusion and interaction of two ingredients – people’s education and the provision of health for their protection. These are two fundamental pillars that, side by side with evangelization, have always constituted the areas of concentration of IMUM’s work in Mozambique. For more information about the work of the United Methodist Church in Mozambique please visit www.imummoz.org

This is the legacy we intend to preserve with the creation of this page – “projectos-imum.org” – which, without neglecting the missionary vocation of the Church, it’s justified by the need to create secure base of financial support for its interventions in communities.

The purpose of this page therefore, is to create a window of communication and mobilization of Church members and society in general to contribute to the building of a “Self-supporting United Methodist Church” as defined by Bishop William Taylor (1884).

Thus, on this page, in a structured way, Church development projects will be presented, selected based on their importance and potential impact on the social transformation of the Church. This will allow interested people and organizations to generously make financial and/or in-kind donations with a clear idea of what they intend to support, choosing, for this purpose, the project to which they want to contribute.

The creation of this page is based on the vision and mission of the United Methodist Church in Mozambique, which proclaim, namely:

  • Vision: “Spiritually renewed and self-sustaining church”.
  • Mission: “To make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”.

Projects listed were chosen based on a double criterion of balance and geographical representation of Mozambican regions across which the communities congregated in the IMUM Conferences are distributed and the content of the proposed interventions.

From the point of view of regional equity that is intended in the distribution of selected projects, Conferences in Mozambique South, Southeast and North regions were considered. In terms of content, projects encompass the areas of education and health – two pillars of community work embraced by The United Methodist Church since the beginning of its existence in Mozambique and, naturally, the evangelization and Church growth are other critical areas of work considered.

These three areas of concentration of the work of the Church include three transversal social segments that cannot be neglected: children who are the guarantee of the reproduction of the moral and religious values that are at the center of the activity of our congregation, young people, women, and the elderly.

Thus, the infrastructure projects that are proposed must be understood not as an end in itself, but a means through which the central objectives of The United Methodist Church’s work will be achieved.

Donations to finance these projects can be made for specific projects or for the set of projects presented. Regardless of the type of donation, the team responsible for managing this program will establish mechanisms for implementing the donated resources, centered on transparency, adoption of the best practices in financial management and accountability, including the regular sharing of reports on the physical financial progress of the projects, as well as regular auditing by a credible entity.

In addition to its primary vocation as a space for presenting UMC development projects and mobilizing resources for their effective execution, this page will also welcome initiatives to raise funds promoted by organizations and societies at the level the conference level, as well as the dissemination of experiences of good practices that can serve as a reference for catalyzing and fertilizing similar initiatives in other communities.

For more information on how projects are selected, activities implemented and how to donate please visit the page the page “How it works.”

With the launch of this page, we honor and perpetuate Bishop William Taylor, whose thinking on opening and developing ‘self-sustaining’ churches is a goal that UMC continues to strive for its effective realization.

This site is registered on wpml.org as a development site.