The United Methodist Church in Mozambique thanks all donors and supporters who visit its website and support our projects and work. Your privacy and trust are valuable to us. This privacy policy tells you how we process and use personal information you share through our website and mobile applications. By using, accessing, visiting, or registering on this site, you agree to this Privacy Policy and to the collection and sharing of your Personal Data and other information determined by the United Methodist Church in Mozambique in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy.

Purpose of this policy

The purpose of this policy is to explain the types of information that the United Methodist Church in Mozambique may collect from you, how the information is used, whether we disclose it to anyone, and the choices you have regarding using your ability to change or correct the information.

Transactions on M-Pesa

For your convenience, the United Methodist Church in Mozambique will take reasonable precautions to ensure that all transactions in the M-Pesa system that occur on our website or related portals are secure.

United Methodist Church in Mozambique has no control on how M-pesa handles information provided during payments but if you are interested in knowing how they manage your data, please visit M-Pesa website at .

Third party cookies

The use of third-party cookies is not covered by our Privacy Policy. We have no access or control over these cookies. If you continue to use our site, we will assume that you agree to the use of these cookies. You can visit links from our third-party providers to opt out of tracking and learn about their privacy practices:

Protecting your personal information

Some pages on our site request and collect information that personally identifies you or allows us to contact you personally. The information you provide to the United Methodist Church in Mozambique may be tabulated for statistical purposes and these results may be provided to others, but except as otherwise stated in this Policy, you will never be individually identified in these results. The data may be used to inform you about events and activities in which we think you may be interested, or it may be used to look out for opportunities to support the work of the Mozambique Episcopal Area of the United Methodist Church. We may also use the data to evaluate our programs and design future offerings.

As part of the operations of the United Methodist Church in Mozambique, it and its affiliated entities may collect various forms of data from individuals and local churches, including, without limitation, names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses, dates of birth, employment histories, financial information, and other sensitive information. The United Methodist Church in Mozambique website, however, will only collect personal information that you knowingly and voluntarily provided. While the collected information is primarily used for the purposes specified on the submission page, we may add this information to our records and use it to enhance our services and for future contact with you.

Neither The United Methodist Church in Mozambique nor any of its affiliated entities will share or distribute any data you provided with other organizations or individuals, except when required by law. The United Methodist Church in Mozambique may, however, share some limited data (local church contact information, including current pastor and names of current local church officials) in spreadsheet format with the final beneficiaries of each Project.

We may also contact you to provide information about activities, programs, or special events that we believe may be of interest to you. When we send you this information via email, you will always have an immediate opportunity to modify the frequency or decline any further such communications.

While we may provide aggregated data for reporting purposes and/or compliance with nonprofit standards, your personal information will not be identifiable in such data, except as otherwise described in this Policy. Except as described in this Policy, The United Methodist Church in Mozambique does not rent, sell, loan, or otherwise provide mailing lists, phone numbers, mailing addresses, or email addresses to other individuals or organizations.

For more information or if you have any questions or concerns about this privacy policy, please contact us at